First up: if you are unfamiliar with our methods be sure to check out our Introduction to C.hill Movement for the basics. Our blog also has a lot of great posts further exploring our ideas and philosophy if you’re interested. You can also follow our gym, Coach Sarah, and Coach Greg on Instagram to get to know our methods even better!

In-person Fitness Classes

While words like mobility, movement, and strength may all seem self-explanatory, the thing that sets our gym apart is our high focus on the quality of your movement. Our goal is to take you beyond mere exercise and into the realm of what we call lifestyle-specific training. LST is based around the question: is your body and mind truly prepared for the life you currently live as well as the one you aspire to?

Our Mobility class is all about getting you more limber. But don’t be fooled — this is not an easy-breezy stretching class. Good, lasting mobility takes work! If you’re serious about getting more mobile, you need to try this class.

Our Movement & Strength class is focused on improving your movement quality and increasing the amount of force you can exert within those movements. We want to make you stronger and more capable, but we want to do it the RIGHT way. That means adjusting the resistance and movement type appropriately for where you’re at currently. We’re aiming for longevity here!


The pandemic has been challenging, but we are *still* committed first and foremost to the safety of our members and the recommendations of the scientific and medical communities. This means keeping in-person classes small, minimizing the amount of equipment and space needed per person, and cleaning all used equipment thoroughly immediately after the workout.

Masks are optional for classes.

In-person Mobility class on Mondays at 8:30 AM.

In-person Movement & Strength class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 AM, Wednesdays at 5:30 PM, and Saturdays at 8:30 AM.

Here’s the full schedule!

Personal Training

Currently, our coaches are fully booked and there are no personal training slots available. If you would like to be contacted when times are available, please click here and fill out the form.

Our one-on-one training follows the same concepts as our group classes, but with the benefit of personalization. We will delve into any limitations, compensations, or other issues and address them by designing an appropriate training plan just for you.

Personal training can be online via Zoom or in-person.

An average in-person session cost is $90-95 but varies depending on how often you train per week or pay in advance.

NOTE: All new personal training clients will start with a 3-session package for $300. This will include a full assessment of your movement and limitations and will form the foundation for your future training. We will also give you drills to work on at home to help address your individual needs.

Personal training via Zoom with Coach Greg is currently a flat $85/hour or $45 for a half hour.

Distance Coaching / Program Design

We are also offering options for distance coaching via the app TrueCoach. This app allows us to provide personalized workouts, videos, real-time messaging, and more.

If you are a NEW client interested in this approach, we’ll typically do four zoom sessions (see costs above in personal training) to assess your movement and help you understand the basics of our approach. After that, we will design a 4-5 week plan for you to follow on your own for around $180. Again, costs vary depending on complexity of your individual plan.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, contact us!